The eyes of a Burmese are so expressive and persuasive as to be considered hypnotic by many enthusiasts. Burmese are highly dependent on their humans and have very little wild survival instinct; they should not be allowed out on their own. Burmese have many unusual color variations. The first blue Burmese was born in the fifties. Burmese are the antecedents of the Bombay.
Related pages:
Burmese Rescue
Oregon Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Hood River County - Hood River, OR 97031 Promoting Responsible Ownership of Dogs 541-387-3647
Clatsop County - Astoria 97103 Spay and Neuter Humane Association 503-325-7729
Multnomah County - Portland, Oregon 97211 Oregon Humane Society 503-285-7722
Multnomah County - Portland, Oregon 97221 Animal Aid 503-292-6628
Multnomah County - Portland, Oregon 97282 Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon 503-797-2606
Marion/Polk County - Salem, Oregon 97301 Willamette Humane Society 503-585-5900
Marion County - Salem, Oregon 97309 Salem Friends of Felines 503 581-9444
Benton County - Cornvallis, OR 97333 Heartland Humane Society 541-757-9000
Benton County - Cornvallis 97333 S.N.Y.P. 541-535-8532
Lincoln County - Newport, OR 97365 Central Coast Humane Society 541-265-3719
Lane County - Eugene 97402 City of Eugene Spay & Neuter Clinic 541-682-3643
Lane County - Eugene 97402 Lane County Animal Regulation Authority 541-682-3645
Curry County - Brookings, Oregon 97415 South Coast Humane Society 541-412-0325
Coos County - Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos County Animal Control 541-269-2312
Douglas County - Roseburg, Oregon 97470 Douglas County Animal Control 541-440-4450
Lane County - Westfir, OR 97492 Feline Assistance Network 541-556-2809
Jackson County - Medford, OR 97501 SNYP of Jackson County 541-858-3325
Klamath County - Klamath Falls 97601 Friends of Pets of Klamath Basin 541-723-6600
Klamath County - Klamath Falls 97601 Klamath Humane Society Project SNIP 541-882-1119
Crook County - Prineville 97754 SNIP House 541-447-6444
Columbia County - Columbia City, Oregon 98651 PROD 509-538-2397
If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.